New year always pushes us to imagine us as better beings. We plan to loose weight, eat more healthy, exercise more, spend time in nature, quit smoking... We all know how most of these decisions end up. We are no better ourselves, but there are things that are achievable, and can actually make a difference for us, and for you as our guests.
So, let us go through our list together, shall we?
Cherish the local... everything.
We are already heavily invested in local services, producers, partners... we believe that Hvar offers almost everything we need. Without big decisions, we plan to strengthen our ties with friends, partners, producers from Hvar – and a bit more difficult – help you fall in love with those people, and their wonderful offerings. There are a lot of reasons for that: by promoting local businesses and service providers, we strenghten the people who live on the island year long, and not only during summer season. Those people build their businesses, they start families here, they help in keeping Hvar alive and vibrant year long. Can you get involved also? Absolutely. Just ask us for a recommendation of a restaurant, bar, guide, shop... and let us introduce you to the best people on the island.
Walk. Walk. And then walk some more.
We can't travel without some environmental output (although we can remedy that by choosing environmentally friendly carriers), and you certainly can't come to Hvar or from Hvar to mainland without some transport. But once on the firm ground we can walk. And Hvar is perfect for long walks. We are born here and we live here, but sometimes we are surprised with the places we find on foot. There is a lot in philosophy of slowing down, and we sure plan to slow down a lot this year. Can you get involved also? Sure! We can recommend you walking tours, depending on your fitness level, and ambition.
Go offline.
Our work depends on screens. You are, after all, reading this on your screen. You googled Hvar, and found us. You sent us an e-mail, you messaged us, chances are you finished your booking digital. So, don't get us wrong, we love that digital exists, we love the simplicity of screens. But, we can also switch them off from time to time. We can enjoy each other's company. We can look at the sky or the sealine. We can just daydream, or do nothing. Small batches of „doing nothing“ are actually doctor's recommendations, because they make us more creative, calmer, more grounded. So, less screen time, less charging. Can you get involved also? Yeah. Just take your lounge-chair to the terrace and stare at the sky for half an hour. That simple.